Anyone else out there a driving fan? If you are, and you like either country pleasure, or single pleasure driving in AMHA, or pleasure driving in AMHR, you probably know what flip flops are.
There are several different tools used in the driving world to help horses have better action. Some use weighted boots, others chains, bands, or there are “flip flops.” Flip flops for driving horses consist of a strap that’s buckled around the horse’s pasterns with a length of hose hanging off. When the horse moves, the hose dangling makes them pick their legs up higher and helps get them in better shape and stepping bigger.

Supplies Needed to Make Flip Flops For Your Driving Horse

- 2 9″ lengths of hose
- 2 1 1/2″ split key rings
- 4 or more #10 split/lock washers
- 2 nylon dog collars
- 2 or more #10 x 32 – 1″ machine bolts with nuts (these are 1/4″ longer)
- Lighter
- Scissors
- Pliers
- Drill and 3/16″ drill bit
- Optional: Leather punch
- Optional: Duct tape
Steps to Make Flip Flops For Your Single or Country Pleasure Driving Horse
- Cut the dog collar to be 10″ long, then use the lighter to burn the end so it doesn’t unravel.
- Use either the drill or a leather punch to punch holes in the newly shortened collar and the lighter to burn them and prevent unraveling.

- Next, take one of the key rings and install it on the collar’s leash loop. In the past I’ve used solid metal rings for this, but they had to be sawed to install on this piece, so I’m trying key rings this time. We’ll see how it goes! Another option is to have solid rings and put them around the collar itself, I just prefer to keep the metal off of my horse’s legs.

- Fold the hose in half and use the drill to put holes going straight through both ends of the hose (four holes).

- When the holes are drilled, slip the ring onto the hose so it hangs in the fold.

- Place one washer on the bolt. Using your pliers to help squeeze the hose down a little bit, run the bolt through the four holes to hold the flip flops together. Once you get it through all four, place another lock washer on the other side and the nut. Make sure to not squeeze down on the hose too much, you don’t want a lot of excess metal from the bolt sticking out.

- Optional: For extra durability and to help cover up the metal portions on the hose, wrap the flip flops in duct tape.