Black Appaloosa Mare
March 2, 2025
Sire: Little America’s My Oh My #A178455 30.5″
Dam: Little America’s Miss Good Friday SS #185347 31″
This gorgeous colorful filly started our foaling season off with a bang! We had just opened the foaling barn up and had one mare in the barn, but this one was foaled n the “waiting room” and was discovered when Armando fed this morning. Extremely colorful and correct. Her dam is a daugher of Sterling Storm who resides in Saudi Arabia and a granddaughter of JTRs Loud & Clear with loads of Appaloosa breeding. Yesterday, her dam was on the sales list, but NO LONGER! Hallelujah.
Her sire, My Oh My, has proven to be a really outstanding color producer. The best that we have ever had.
You can see that she was not an accident. Here is her full brother, Little America’s My Holy Holy.