Little America’s My Sea Island

My Sea Island

Black Mare may App
March 23, 2025

Sire:  Little America’s My Oh My #A178455 30.5″
Dam: Little America’s Orion Paula #A205687 31.75″” 

Sea IslandMy Sea Island

A leggy black filly with an exquisite head was foaled as we were on our way to an early birthday celebration with Tony’s siblings in New Braunfels at Sea Island Shrimp House.  She is black, but hopefully will color as she matures since she has colorful Appaloosa parents on both sides of her pedigree.

Her sire is by Little America’s D S Whatadream by Lazy H Desert Storm.  Whatadream’s dam is by JTR Loud & Clear by Lazy H  Royal “Storm.

Her dam is full of color, being by the Orion look alike, Little America’s Orion All Over by Xenon-Light Van’t Huttenest, by Orion-Light Van’t Huttenest and out of a daughter of Orion.

On close inspection she has some white hairs which will probably grow to Appaloosa characteristics.  Here’s hoping.

Sea Island eyes close